Wednesday, November 9, 2022

                                                  Would be? πŸ˜•πŸ’œ

Hola! me llamo kezang choden πŸ‘Ύ

Hey there! It’s been a while, but I’m back. It was never my intention to disappear from the blogging world the way I did, and I even tried to jump back in a few times, but it was never the right time. πŸ‘»I’m growing up and paving a path and making a name for myself like so many other women my age are doing. This blog is a place to chronicle my adventures and what I’ve learned on the path toward becoming the person I’ll be. 

I am an Explorer. I am a Wanderer. And whether you've taken your first trip yet or not, you are at least one (probably all) of those things at heart. You wouldn't be reading this if you weren't. So, let's see the World together. πŸ’™πŸ’œ 

Have you ever found yourself with a strong case of the Would Be-s?

"I Would Be traveling if;

...I had more money.

...I had more time.

...I had more knowledge."
Everybody has a list of things they "would be." If our lives were a little bit more ideal, we would be doing, trying, or learning all those things on that list. If only we had been more prepared. Ten years ago, "travelling more" and a few other things were at the top of my "would be" list ("I would be trying skydiving, if..." for instance). Traveling even more is at the top of my list ten years later, along with a few other things (still looking at you, "skydiving"). There are virtually limitless things your brain can try to convince you to do "later," and endless ways for it to try to convince you of them, as I hinted in a few paragraphs earlier.
Sounds overwhelming, doesn't it? Really, it just means that life is full of a perpetual well of accomplishments to achieve. It is just a matter of perspective. πŸ˜’πŸ˜’
The good news is that you've already completed a sizable portion of the work by arriving here. That indicates that you are aware, whether consciously or unconsciously, of the fact that you are holding yourself back and that you want to let go and venture forth. Since I have been on the earth for a long time, I can honestly say that even the initial stage of self awareness is one of the most challenging parts of this journey. Almost always, moving past one's own concerns is far harder than moving past problems with money, time, or knowledge.

I am forever Would Be Wanderers.

What about you? 😬

"Travel isn't always pretty. It isn't always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that's OK. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind." - Anthony Bourdain
 - 1892-1950

The railroad track is miles away,
And the day is loud with voices speaking,
Yet there isn't a train goes by all day
But I hear its whistle shrieking.

All night there isn't a train goes by, Though the night is still for sleep and dreaming, But I see its cinders red on the sky, And hear its engine steaming. My heart is warm with the friends I make, And better friends I'll not be knowing; Yet there isn't a train I wouldn't take,
No matter where it's going.
"travel with kezang" 😁

Sunday, November 6, 2022

                      A beautiful sunset🌞🌜🌝🌠

I like to occasionally write highly personal blogs about myself when I'm feeling nostalgic (hey, I can, right? I believe that is the main purpose of blogging anyway!)
These personal travel blogs typically focus on me, my goals, my ideas, and my emotions. Everything that is passing through my head. I sincerely hope that reading a handful of these personal travel blogs will give you the inspiration to try something new and exciting when travelling and help you see the world from a fresh perspective.πŸ’œπŸ’œ

The Things That I Miss About Travelling (And How Times Have Changed)
I miss the good old days of travelling.
You know the ones—the ones where you'd check into a run-down hostel, drop your belongings off in your 8-person dorm, and then head directly to the shopping mall to meet other travelers(my friends who are interested to travel) and share tales. I’ve just got back from travelling around Sikkim for a couple of weeks with my parents and oh how things have changed. This happened around 2021 when I was at my hometown Bhutan.  It’s crazy to think but I first went to sikkim in 2021. I was 19 and I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. It was very basic, raw, rough round the edges. I loved every second of it. πŸ™‹πŸ’™
No one had a laptop or a tablet. Most people didn’t even travel with a phone. It was just you, your backpack and the most mesmerizing sunset in sikiim. I just enjoyed the beauty of the sunset that comes around morning 5 to 6. The beauty of spectacular mountain is the reason behind the popularity of sikkim as a top eastern state.  
It was really cold to spend the day at sikkim. 
me and my parents stayed in one of the hotel for one day to enjoy the sunset next day. The hotel that was very expensive. 
you know what is the best part? when you stay yourself separately booking the room. I had really nice view outside my hotel. 
The next day, we went to enjoy the beauty of sunset around 5 AM. i usually dont wake up early, but you know how is life with parents! :) 
so i was awakened early in the morning by my dad. 
we checkout from the hotel and went to watch the sunset. πŸ’πŸ’š

This was the beautiful view of sunset at sikkim. So we did some shopping at the mall. We had some delicious food while returning. so lastly, we returned back to our home Bhutan. 
that was pretty sad for me, because I didn't wanted to leave the place. 
I had a great time though :).. Finally, we reached to our country. I can smell the freshness of my beautiful country Bhutan. 
So this is end of my blog ( a travel to sikkim) 

'travel with kezang' :) πŸ’™

Thursday, November 3, 2022

                           A Trip to Himachal PradeshπŸŒ™ πŸ‘―

 One of my daily rituals is to visit a few of my favorite adventure and backpacking blogs to read up on travel stories, plan my upcoming excursions, and lose myself in the realm of travel where anything is possible, especially during a pandemic when travelling is temporarily off-limits.

Currently, I am restricted to the borders of my own nation, and since the vaccination programme is delayed and fresh waves of virus arrive in Bhutan every few months, I wanted to find another method to run away and once more lose myself in the world of travel.

These travel blogs have become the main sources of my inspiration and I am here to share this list with you.  Here is my  best adventure and backpacking blogs you should know. 

One of my favorite trips was Himachal which is located in western Himalayas. It takes 6hr 9 min to travel from LPU college —a place that’s been on my bucket list for so long…and a number of my adventures were all about taking time to slow down and experience places with loved ones. I welcomed the year in the tropics, where I intentionally unplugged for some quality time with my close friends.  I started my journey to Himachal with my college mates  where we spent a week canoeing, hiking, making furry lemur friends, soaking up some time at the ocean, and watching the sunrise from one of the best surf breaks in the world. The whole journey is absolutely breathtaking…just take a look at these photos!

Rohtang pass

We started our journey from Chandigarh airport. Our cab was waiting for us outside. It took us 5 hours to reach Shimla. The roads in Shimla are too narrow and there were ridiculous number of tourist vehicles on road. Also, there is always some construction work going on in the city. Hence, not a very pleasant travel. 

We had made reservations in City inn Hotel. It's an average hotel. Our Super Deluxe room was too small. We had a good view of the valley from our room and Breakfast and Dinner available at reasonable cost. Back in  Town, we camped as much as possible, took some road trips in shimla to Manali-another breathtaking place that I ever visited, and I spent as much time as possible with my college mates. After that, we went to the Jakhu temple. Due to excessive traffic, there are a few locations along the route where only one automobile from the two-way traffic could pass at a time. Consequently, getting to the summit took forever! When we at last reached the summit, the enormous, 108-foot-tall Hanumanji idol captivated us. A HUGE group of monkeys welcomed us:). We were unable to visit any other location before it became dark because of the time lost in the traffic. We walked to the shopping road and the ridge after arriving at the hotel (15 mins walk from the hotel). It was enjoyable to take a nighttime stroll along the ridge. We could comfortably go around because the temperature was just moderately low. After enjoying some sexy momos, we went back to our hotel.

so sadly, it was my last journey and it was time to say goodbye to beautiful places of Himachal. Then, following lunch, we completed our LAST hotel check-out of the trip. We were driven off at the airport by the driver, capping up an incredible (but busy) journey.

Overall, it was a good journey. :) 

"travel with kezang" :) πŸ’™

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

     Travelling on Christmas Day: What you need to know. πŸŽ…πŸŽ πŸŽ…πŸŽ‡

 I've had the incredible good fortune to spend Christmas in some incredible and far-off places. Christmas Day was spent with my family in Thimphu.

Do you know what, though? Christmas at home in the country is my favorite location to celebrate.

I adore taking lengthy hikes over the mountains while wearing many cosy layers to be warm. These strolls usually come to an old bar with crooked beams and roaring fireplaces at its conclusion. I enjoy going over to my neighbors' house where you can find authentically one-of-a-kind and handmade presents as well as regional specialties. I enjoy strolling around my village and observing the sparkling lights in cottage windows and the stars-filled trees.

1. Pack your Own food 

On Christmas Day, not all of the stores and restaurants in airports and train stations will be open. The majority of these locations are managed by outside merchants, who are free to decide whether or not to be open without being constrained by the airport. Pack some snacks on your own in case you grow hungry again.

2. Plan extra travel time to airports and train stations. 

On Christmas Day, I have actually seen some aircraft leave early, but the same cannot be true of the airport's public transit, which almost always operates on a modified schedule. If you're travelling the bus or the subway to the airport, be sure to check the travel warnings in advance. If you decide to use a taxi or vehicle service, be aware that some charge more on holidays.

3. Have extra reading material on Hand

On Christmas Day, some airport services will still be available (the vending machines won't stop working), but others won't. Make sure your e-reader is completely loaded or that you have a new book with you in case the Hudson News isn't open. Reading is made easy by the airport's comparatively peaceful environment.

4. Be nice and you might just score an Upgrade.

You have plenty of opportunities to upgrade to first class or a better accommodation on half-full planes, trains, and hotels. Most of the time, all you have to do is ask; if you have been courteous and friendly to the receptionist or gate agent, they could even offer. Merry Christmas, indeed.

These are the few tips that I found useful travelling on Christmas day. 

"travel with kezang" πŸ’™

Friday, October 28, 2022

                                   Travelling to Royal Takin Preserve πŸƒπŸ‚πŸŒΊπŸŒ·

The Motithang Takin Preserve, a protected area where the Bhutanese national animal, the Takin, is conserved, is the jewel of Thimphu. Many unusual birds and animals that roam the area freely and in their natural habitats can be seen here after a 30-minute walk. The nature is wonderful and deserves to be seen at least once; it is brimming with tranquilly.

The Royal Takin Preserve in Thimphu's Motithang neighborhood was once a miniature zoo but has since been transformed into a wildlife sanctuary. The region was named a nature preserve so that the animals may roam freely since the king believed it was wrong to confine the country's national animals within set borders. 

It was on December 26, 2018. Me and my family planned to travel to watch our national animal takin which is located in Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan. it was 15 km away from our home. Me and my family travelled and it was raining outside. after few mins, we reached to the takin preserve. there was huge entry gate which we have to pay nu 300 Rs each person while entering inside. The walk around was so nice and relaxing. I enjoyed the beauty of seeing the national animal. It's a huge area of fence and there you can see the Takin which quite an unique animal and apart from Takin, you can see samber deer, barking deer, wild boar, and mountain goral as well. So in a way it's a great opportunity to see the wild life off Bhutan.  Visiting the kingdom of druk's national animal was a very rejuvenating experience. The animal and the inhabitants of the land of happiness are both at ease. This hybrid goat-antelope occasionally poses for a casual photographer. The area might potentially be suitable for a short hike. I like the large cages, which were a fantastic effort in keeping the animal in what appeared to be its natural habitat while still admitting people. The takins go out during the day but frequently retreat into the woods after midday.

The Takin reserve is a worthwhile destination. It wasn't until I travelled to Bhutan that I even learned about this species. It is important to note the effort being made to conserve the animal. The log-made wooden benches were gorgeous.


My most anticipated part of the journey was this one! Visiting the kingdom of druk's national animal was a very rejuvenating experience. The animal and the inhabitants of the land of happiness are both at ease. This hybrid goat-antelope occasionally poses for a casual photographer. The area might potentially be suitable for a short hike. I like the large cages, which were a fantastic effort in keeping the animal in what appeared to be its natural habitat while still admitting people. The takins go out during the day but frequently retreat into the woods after midday.

it was already 5:30 pm and we headed back to our home. it was one of the most memorable day and hope to visit once again. 

Must go to see the exotic Takin animal. It is the national animal of Bhutan and belongs to the goat/sheep family. Its existence is rooted in a legend about the Tibetan monk Lam Drukpa Kunley, also known as "The Divine Madman," who lived in the 15th century.


'travel with kezang' πŸ’œ





Monday, October 24, 2022


 Travelling to Paro Taktshang ( Tiger Nest in Bhutan)⛅πŸŒƒ


Started the hike in the morning at 9am to the iconic Tiger's Nest. I felt tired, lucky I was advised to always have some snack bars and water, taking rest during intervals. Tiring but is worth every step I take, chanting Om Mani Padme Hum. Marvel at the beauty of the surroundings including the gorge and waterfall, is amazing.
It's my 3rd time at Taktshang Monastery, feeling blessed again and peaceful.

One must experience this hike once in a lifetime and must do it when visiting Bhutan. Being Bhutanese, I make sure to visit this occasionally because it fulfils a wish. Although climbing hills and mountains is physically demanding, the excitement keeps you moving. You feel more enthusiastic as the view from the hills becomes closer and you don't even realize how difficult the uphill climb is.

For average, physically active people, the trek uphill will take about two hours because there is no motorway. On the other hand, travelling downhill scarcely takes any time at all. Drinks that provide you more energy to trek uphill should be carried, such as water and energy drinks. A memorable pilgrimage. The walk up from Paro to the monastery is rewarded with the privilege of seeing a host of beautiful temple shrines in the 17c monastery. The monks are very welcoming.

You cannot bring cameras or telephones into the Temple complex area, so you must go through a security check-in counter when you arrive at the Temple gate. At several locations throughout the Temple complex, security personnel are on duty to watch out for anyone attempting to snap photos.

 One thing I did notice after I entered the Tiger's Nest Temple complex is that there isn't a lot of extra room to move around in—both on the walkways and inside the temples themselves.

The beauty surrounding the temple is precisely what I had read about: "Breathtaking Views" that can only be seen here in person, making the climb to the Tiger's Nest Temple a truly worthwhile experience.

"travel with kezang" :) πŸ’™

Thursday, October 6, 2022


What is that one thing that makes us feel good, that surrounds us with good energy, and that determines whether we act in a positive or negative way in every given circumstance? Here, I believe that our behavior, as well as our personality and attitude, are not solely shaped by one occurrence or one item. 

I firmly believe that everything we have experienced from early childhood to the present has influenced our behavior and attitudes. Even more, I would assert that everything in our environment and the people we associate with have an impact on how we feel. 

First of all, there are a lot of situations we encounter every day, some of which are great and some of which are negative. What should thus be our best course of action to get rid of those pointless anxious thoughts that bother us? Here are some tried-and-true techniques and solutions that you can follow:

1.  Stop blaming yourself – This is the first and the foremost thing to free yourself from those irrelevant thoughts. There are so many incidents happening in a day and sometimes we just get stuck on any of particular incident that causes us a lot of irritation whenever we recall that incident, so the first thing is that you don’t have do blame yourself. I think this is the most powerful technique to free yourself from any ongoing burden. I am not saying that you should just avoid your mistakes. You must learn from them. I am just saying that you should learn a lesson from your mistakes and move on.

2. Respect yourself – This is another most common thing that we ignore all the time. If you can’t even respect yourself or your personality then how would you respect others and how do you expect others to respect you. So it becomes a very important thing to inculcate in your life. Don’t ever feel desperate for the things that you don’t have, instead you should aspire to achieve that thing on your own. Always respect your personality, your abilities, and capacities. What matters is to realize where you can be and where you are heading towards. Don’t compare yourself with others, instead compare yourself with your own performance. Build your own strategy, develop your own rules and live by them.

3. Focus on your thoughts – This is the unanimous truth that your thoughts build your personality. Even your thoughts have a deep impact on your personality development and your attitude formation. So it’s very important to be aware about your thoughts. There may be certain uneasy situation that we might have to face at some point in our life. So always keep in mind that whichever situation may come you way, you should never ever give up. You should fight, and fight all the way.

video of the power of positivity :) 


                                                  Would be? πŸ˜• πŸ’œ Hola! me llamo kezang choden πŸ‘Ύ Hey there! It’s been a while, but I’m bac...