Friday, October 28, 2022

                                   Travelling to Royal Takin Preserve 🐃🐂🌺🌷

The Motithang Takin Preserve, a protected area where the Bhutanese national animal, the Takin, is conserved, is the jewel of Thimphu. Many unusual birds and animals that roam the area freely and in their natural habitats can be seen here after a 30-minute walk. The nature is wonderful and deserves to be seen at least once; it is brimming with tranquilly.

The Royal Takin Preserve in Thimphu's Motithang neighborhood was once a miniature zoo but has since been transformed into a wildlife sanctuary. The region was named a nature preserve so that the animals may roam freely since the king believed it was wrong to confine the country's national animals within set borders. 

It was on December 26, 2018. Me and my family planned to travel to watch our national animal takin which is located in Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan. it was 15 km away from our home. Me and my family travelled and it was raining outside. after few mins, we reached to the takin preserve. there was huge entry gate which we have to pay nu 300 Rs each person while entering inside. The walk around was so nice and relaxing. I enjoyed the beauty of seeing the national animal. It's a huge area of fence and there you can see the Takin which quite an unique animal and apart from Takin, you can see samber deer, barking deer, wild boar, and mountain goral as well. So in a way it's a great opportunity to see the wild life off Bhutan.  Visiting the kingdom of druk's national animal was a very rejuvenating experience. The animal and the inhabitants of the land of happiness are both at ease. This hybrid goat-antelope occasionally poses for a casual photographer. The area might potentially be suitable for a short hike. I like the large cages, which were a fantastic effort in keeping the animal in what appeared to be its natural habitat while still admitting people. The takins go out during the day but frequently retreat into the woods after midday.

The Takin reserve is a worthwhile destination. It wasn't until I travelled to Bhutan that I even learned about this species. It is important to note the effort being made to conserve the animal. The log-made wooden benches were gorgeous.


My most anticipated part of the journey was this one! Visiting the kingdom of druk's national animal was a very rejuvenating experience. The animal and the inhabitants of the land of happiness are both at ease. This hybrid goat-antelope occasionally poses for a casual photographer. The area might potentially be suitable for a short hike. I like the large cages, which were a fantastic effort in keeping the animal in what appeared to be its natural habitat while still admitting people. The takins go out during the day but frequently retreat into the woods after midday.

it was already 5:30 pm and we headed back to our home. it was one of the most memorable day and hope to visit once again. 

Must go to see the exotic Takin animal. It is the national animal of Bhutan and belongs to the goat/sheep family. Its existence is rooted in a legend about the Tibetan monk Lam Drukpa Kunley, also known as "The Divine Madman," who lived in the 15th century.


'travel with kezang' 💜





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